Oral History Project - on VIDEO

We are adding the oral histories of any veteran or family of a veteran who has passed so that their service and sacrifices to their country be archived and preserved for future generations of family and friends.

Written First Hand Accounts
of Historical Events

War Experiences

SALUTE to SERVICE (September 11, 2014)

In appreciation of the veterans of Lawrence County, a FREE event was held for the public at Edison Manor (222 West Edison Avenue, New Castle PA 16101) on September 11, 2014 at 6pm. Veterans were encouraged to attend. There were invited speakers, an all American dinner, and videographer Bert Gerstnecker was on site to interview and video any of the veterans who wanted their story told. A short Salute To Service Trailer was produced by Moving Frame Media. It included interviews, pictures and narratives conducted at the Salute to Service event.

The video (which is no longer available) had been posted on Moving Frame Media’s Vimeo page [https://vimeo.com/104768922]

If anyone has information on the correct Vimeo link, please contact us.

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