3,200 served • 98 did not return
First World War Roll of Honor
The names listed below also appear on the World War I portion of the war memorial wall at the Lawrence County Courthouse.
Leon R. Allen
Abraham L. Anderson
Philip B. Anderson
William F. Anderson
Daniel E. Ashton
Charles E. Barnhart
James Black
Thomas Blain
William Floyd Boggs
Francis L. Bookwalter
Hall B. Braham
Cecil 0. Britton
Reed C. Bryson
Frederick J. Buquo
Bruno N. Calabretta
Louis Caneto
Joseph L. Cip
Vincenzo Colella
William John Davidson
George D. Davis
Carmine DeFrancisco
Ivan E. Dinsmore
Pietro Disimo
Mike Dobrowlski
John H. Driscoll
Mike Dresno
Joseph R. Earley
Cleophas Finely
Francis J. Flack
Earnesto Fugo
Salvatore “Sam” Fusco
(aka Tusco – see note below)
Harry R. Garraway
Perry S. Gaston
Daniel Gianette
Dale D. Gibson
Harry David Good
James E. Hershberger
Emmit C. Hinderlong
Joseph Jacob
William A. Jewell
Claude W. Kahle
Earnest Keeling, Jr.
Ignatz Kosin
Ray Lamm
(see Lamm photo below)
Levi L. Lehman
Hiram A. Livingston
Robert Lutz
Andrew J. Major
Peter Mannerino
John H. Marshall
Paul Matron
Benjamin R. Metlin
Charles A. Michaels
Joseph Miller
Joseph Moran
Harry L. McBride
Nathaniel McConahy
Edward McCowin
Norman John McCreary
Arthur H. McGill
Joseph F. McGranahan
Edward R. McLaughlin
Lawrence L. McMillen
Rolland 0. McNally
William A. Nelson
Bono Nenadic
John A. Palmer
David M. Pattison
Samuel G. Pedrick
Sterr Persinsky
Francisco Pezzi
James Phillips
Pete Plisuk
Herschel Pope
John F. Porter
James W. Randolph
Amedeo Righi
James Rockwell
Norman L. Roe
Robert R. Rogers
John Salava
Francis Satar
Paul Simson
Irvin D. Smith
Ralph C. Smith
Edward Thomas
Joseph Timlin
Gaspreo Tomei
Warren L. Torbert
Camillo Trorana
John H. Troutman
Guiseppe Tucci
Joseph F. Turley
Sam Tusco
(Tusco’s correct name is Salvatore “Sam” Fusco)
David Waters
Paul Edgar Wehr
Robert W. Welsh
Clare Ward
Earl J. Watt
Fusco / Tusco name error
* Salvatore “Sam” Fusco was incorrectly identified by the military as Sam Tusco. This error also appears on the Lawrence County World War I Memorial at the Court House. We are listing both names since the military record is Tusco. The correct name is Salvatore “Sam” Fusco.
Raymond Lamm